The Fatal 5 are:-
Careless Driving.
Drink or Drug Driving.
Not Wearing a Seatbelt.
Distracted Driving.


Under the Influence
Driving Distracted
Not wearing a seatbelt
Driving Distracted
Careless Driving
Under the Influence


In this subject we're not just talking about the things everyone considers an UNFIT STATE such as Drink Driving.
There are so many other things that would make you UNFIT to drive.

Have you taken Prescription or other Drugs?
Some drugs may make you drowsy and some on a blood test would show up as a drug that would make it illegal for you to drive.

Even something as basic as Hay fever tablets could make it illegal for you to drive.
If you are unsure, check with your doctor or pharmacist.
Recreational drugs can also make you unfit to drive and would also be illegal.
Some people have this crazy mindset that they drive better when under the influence of drugs.
Medical science proves otherwise, and reaction times are greatly reduced.

Are you tired?
This can impact on your ability to drive and could make you unfit to drive. 
Tiredness can creep up on you and you could fall to sleep at the wheel without even knowing you're falling to sleep.
If you feel even slightly tired, stop somewhere safe, have a nap, maybe a coffee or something with caffeine, but don't continue to drive until you feel refreshed again. If you are on a long journey we highly recommend you have a break at least every 2 hours. 

Frame of mind.
Have you had an argument with someone just before driving?
Have you had an argument with someone whilst driving?
Have you had a recent bereavement in the family or friend group?
Are you overly excited about something? this can take your mind off the job in hand, which is driving.
Are you doing something in the car other than giving driving your 100% attention?

Do you think you're the best driver ever and can handle a car at speed?
That's great, and we're glad you have good ability. However, the public highway is not the place to prove it!
If you want to drive fast, find a legal racetrack where you can go Back to the future with Marty.
You'd never have passed the driving test and gained a driving licence if you were speeding, so what makes you think just because you have a full licence that those rules now don't apply to you?

Are children screaming in the back?
Is your music too loud?
Are you on your mobile phone?
Are you eating or drinking ?
Are you reading a road map or paying too much attention to a Sat Nav?

Are you physically unwell?
Is your eyesight good?
Do you have a headache?
Have you been ill recently and still not feel 100%

This list is not endless!
At any given time, your state of mind can affect your ability to drive safely!
If for any reason your state of mind or your physical health could impact your ability to drive, consider getting someone else to drive, or make alternative arrangements.